this one has insects in it :-) You'll find a link to Lio's comics-page in my links section, Update: I'm also putting the picture up here because after a while they seem to be removed from the website
warning! not updated since 2010 something. Born in the eighties, still alive and staying that way for many years to come. I graduated as an MSc. in biology from the university of Antwerp in Sept 2008. Finishing a dissertation about testate amoeba and their potential in biomonitoring. I combined my final year with a part-time job at the medical faculty. After that i went to London, doing a short internship and looking for opportunities to get into the field of sustainability.
Right now I'm working for the province of Antwerp at the department of the environment.
I love: most of my friends, taichi, the great outdoors, reading, cooking, eating, blogging/writing and just life itself. Music and humor are also very important to me. Furthermore I like the rest of my friends, playing some piano, scifi and fantasy.
I don't like: people who dare to say "I'm bored" (there's just NO excuse for boredom, open your eyes dammnit), and certain types of seafood (but that's ok, we're seriously overfishing the oceans anyway. Just a few more years and we'll have won the war against fish!).
1 comment:
WTF i'm very displeased in myself right now .... i thought i had the picture safe but apparently it's not ....
i'm afraind i will not rest untill these pictures are found again ..
luckily i know the date they were posted, that should help
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