Friday, February 29, 2008

911 call

Found it on Sigmund, Carl & Alfred
I don't know what else is on that blog, I just went there today for the first time, via a link @ Pinks, i'll check out some of the rest at that blog later


Pink said...

Ha! Sounds like Canadian humour ;)

Sad you won't marry me.

Maybe we should just have an affair.

paul said...

well pinks, claiming everything that's funny as canadian humor, that's kinda chauvinistic no?
But then again, a strong sense of identity, slightly cocky, is an important quality :)

Well i'm not in commitment mindframe these days.

But I've got nothing against (marying) an older women (1843 is a good year :)), somewhere it actually has something "fair"! Because my testosteron is giving me a shorter life expectancy and that way, when i don't follow my natural drive to go for a hot 20-year-old, but for someone older, she won't have to stay behind alone for 15 years or so.

An affair ...sounds interesting, i'm sure i can learn some interesting things from you if our paths were to cross ;)

x paul